You’re Not As Important As You Think You Are - Tech Days 2014 Follow Up!

Yesterday I spoke at Tech Days in San Fransisco, CA for the TechDays 2014 annual conference. My topic this year was, “You’re not as important as you think you are” and how the realization of such truth can actually be a good thing for your career track.

As professionals in one of the most successful industries in the world, we can sometimes let our pride consume us in a way that forces us to remain stagnant. We think, “My clients need me because only I know what is best.” Such thinking leaves little room for shifting professional goals and thus, progress. Sometimes advancing towards a goal means leaving an employer or a consulting business behind, a business which has been cultivated for years or even decades. Then we think, “But what would my clients do without me? I’m the one who knows best,” and we begin to feel guilty. How do we break this cycle? By realizing one simple truth: “You’re not as important as you think are!”  Learn how accepting that you are not as important as you think you are can actually encourage career development and foster advancement towards professional goals. Since Tech Days 2014 is a paid event and the session is available to those who attended the event, I have provided the PowerPoint Deck for my blog readers as well as the attendees who asked for a copy of it after my session.

You can download my deck here.