6 Posts


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How to configure Azure Application Gateway V2 on an existing AKS Cluster - CLI Edition!

Last week I was in Prague for Microsoft Ignite The Tour and I had the pleasure of working with …


Using Helm 3 with Azure DevOps

I received an email last week asking if I had tried to use Helm 3 in an Azure DevOps pipeline; …

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Azure Pipelines: Featuring Bash, YAML, JFrog and a custom Slack app!

I recently spoke at JFrog’s swampUP conference and in my session I showcased how you can …


Kubernetes Ingress Controllers and Certificates: The Walkthrough

I have gone through a written walk through of Ingresses and Helm Charts before back in May, but …


I'm not a developer.

I'm currently on a plane flying back from TechBash 2018 (which was in the middle of nowhere) and it just hit me. "I'm not a developer." What a load of shit.


How to Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm and VSTS

I cannot even express how excited I am for this post. As most of you know, I blog/speak pretty …